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July, 2011
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Music | July 25th, 2011
Buying Paintings: Synchromism Synchromism paintings feature harmoniously balanced colors and a feeling of movement. It is believed that synchromist paintings evoke similar feelings and sensations as music. This is a basic tenet of the synchromism art movement. As such, these paintings make wonderfully pleasing additions to any modern art collection.Founded in 1912 by Morgan Russell […]
Теги: god, international, lab, region
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Music | July 24th, 2011
An Introduction to Postage Stamp Collecting Stamps are used by millions of people daily yet few of us give them any thought. We take them for granted, seeing them as mere functional objects. It is true that they are functional objects but not only. Ask any stamp collector and he or she will tell you […]
Теги: finance, mail, rate, story
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Music | July 24th, 2011
A Quick Guide To Collecting Stamps Stamp collection is nothing new in the society. The world of stamp collection may seem to be easy to get into. However, for some it involves some serious work. For someone who wants to start a collection, here is a guide in stamp collection.Stamp collecting does not only involve […]
Теги: cool, law, office, print, society, tool
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Music | July 23rd, 2011
How to start a coin collection without spending too many coins? The hobby of coin collecting is unlike any other hobby. It is an entertaining past time that millions of people around the world enjoy. When your collection grows, you start to discover that there is a story behind each and every coin. Special coins […]
Теги: discount, journey, magazine, rate, rent, tour
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Music | July 23rd, 2011
US Silver Coins – Amazing Pieces for Any Collection Coin collecting is a very popular hobby among many, and involves collecting legally minted currency from all over the globe. The most sought out coins are those that were only in circulation for a short period of time, and are usually minted with especially beautiful or […]
Теги: hot, legal, message, picture, rate