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Music | February 7th, 2012
Lego and its history Lego toy is never going to be out of the date, it has been a part of childhood for more than three generations. Almost everyone under 50 years old has played with these plastic bricks of imagination. The earliest form of Lego toy is designed in 1949, Lego company introduced the […]
Теги: adult, construction, land, movies, space, video
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Music | February 3rd, 2012
Collecting Presidential Memoabilia Collecting Presidential Memorabilia Memorabilia is hot these days. People are collecting everything from pop bottles to political campaign buttons. Presidential memorabilia is gaining in popularity and value to make some of these collectible items really desirable. If you would like to start collecting presidential memorabilia there is a wide variety of items […]
Теги: banner, document, hot, pet, poster, space
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Music | January 25th, 2012
Where To Find Hidden Treasures If you were to look for hidden treasures near where you live, you might check the attic of an old house, as well as some old garages. Soon you might run out of ideas. But treasure hunters know there are hundreds of places to look. For example, they know the […]
Теги: insurance, repair, space, woman
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Music | January 20th, 2012
How I got Started with Lego Trains I started building LEGO trains by building the refrigerator carfrom the instructions in Jacob McKee’s “Getting Started WithLEGO Trains” book. This is still the basic design for the currentrefrigerator cars I build, but I changed the side details to betteraccommodate my stickers. I have always favored box cars, […]
Теги: classic, hit, me, space, train
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Music | December 29th, 2011
Storing Your Coins – Benefits Of Coin Collecting Albums Storage Spaces for Your Coin Collection A coin collector is always thinking of how to keep his coins in as safe a place as possible, because coins are his hobby and his collection is precious to him, therefore he needs to find a secure place to […]
Теги: display, page, space, stock