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Music | February 7th, 2012
Lego and its history Lego toy is never going to be out of the date, it has been a part of childhood for more than three generations. Almost everyone under 50 years old has played with these plastic bricks of imagination. The earliest form of Lego toy is designed in 1949, Lego company introduced the […]
Теги: adult, construction, land, movies, space, video
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Music | February 4th, 2012
Lego – the Worlds Favorite Toy for 70 Years I don’t know about you buy I had Lego when I was a kid. And everyone else I know seems to have owned a set as well. And what’s more my kids have it. Yes, for over 70 years now, Lego has been one of the […]
Теги: bill, education, god, plane, video
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Music | December 22nd, 2011
Nothing New Under the Sun Many times throughout the day one will hear of some new or improved product. If you have had something for more than a few months, it is outdated. It is time to toss it out and get the new version. If you’ve had a computer, a video game system, or […]
Теги: bible, graphics, phone, video
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Music | November 28th, 2011
Who Is Sonic The Hedgehog? Many internet surfers seeking entertainment in the form of free flash games to play online find themselves stumbling across a speedy blue blur character who fills their screen with hours of fun. His name is Sonic the hedgehog, he appears as the main character in a video game series developed […]
Теги: entertainment, guard, page, program, video
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Music | November 28th, 2011
The Value of Action Figures A wide range of action figures keep the strength of your favorite characters energetic.. They portray some of the characters superlative moments doing what they do best. To add to your current collection, listed below are some ideas to help you get started. They concentrate on a particular movie or […]
Теги: corporation, music, port, story, video