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Yahtzee as a skill game

Yahtzee as a Skill Game

There are a number of games that you can play to hone your skills. Aside from board games and card games, you also need some skills and strategy in playing Yahtzee.
Yahtzee has been around for a long long time. It has been in existence for more than 5 decades. It was invented way back 1954 and since then, it has been a popular skill game all over the world. The game of Yahtzee is fairly simple. The winner emerges when a player have the highest score by creating 13 varied poker hands by rolling five dice. A scorekeeper would take note of the players’ score in each play. Combinations make up specific points.
A player can roll all five dice during the initial roll. He may or may not opt to do one or two re-rolls. He can also decide not to make a re-roll and settle for the points of his initial roll. It is not mandatory to use all 3 dice rolls. He can opt to roll the dice once and stop there or choose to make a second and a third roll.
The main objective of the game is to get the highest score. This is achieved if you have the skill to gain the highest possible score in a set of one, two or three rolls. Make sure that you look at the scorecard to keep track of your score and if you need to make higher points than your opponents. If you do, then you might need to do some re-rolls just to catch up with the other players of the game.
Because Yahtzee is a skill game; there are a number of strategies already created for this specific game. Each strategy proved to be effective in certain situations so it is best that you always gauge whether or not a specific technique is suitable and would be effective in a certain play. Some of the popular Yahtzee strategies include the Upper Section Middle strategy, Flexible Filling strategy, Strategy of Hands One through Four, and End Game strategy, among many others.
Your skills would definitely be challenged when you play Yahtzee. You should also know when you should give up some hands for other players. There are a number of things that you should consider when playing this game. You should be able to identify the strategy of the other players too. This way, you would know which techniques would best beat them. Thinking ahead is a good skill that would definitely be improved when you are playing Yahtzee.
If you are a new player or a veteran Yahtzee player, you can find a number of websites that offer lots of information and strategies when playing this well loved game. You can also play Yahtzee online and get to play with a number of skilled players that would definitely challenge your skill as a player.

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