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Music | February 18th, 2012
Yahtzee as a Skill Game There are a number of games that you can play to hone your skills. Aside from board games and card games, you also need some skills and strategy in playing Yahtzee. Yahtzee has been around for a long long time. It has been in existence for more than 5 decades. […]
Теги: board, fair, note, stop, tech
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Music | January 6th, 2012
Ray Edelson Horse Racing and Sports Betting Service Horse racing and sports betting are few of the best ways when it comes to spending your time leisurely. The activity involved is to win either by supporting the horse(s) or the team you are backing or to go for the horse(s) and team that you may […]
Теги: advice, exchange, fair, service, sport, team
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Music | December 11th, 2011
What Is The South African Krugerrand Mini Gold Coin – Is It For Real? Is the South African Krugerrand Mini Gold Coin is an authentic gold bullion coin? It is similar to the very popular South African Krugerrand gold bullion coin but perhaps it is a ripoff of the very popular South African Krugerrand Gold […]
Теги: fair, family, list, port, rate, south
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Music | November 11th, 2011
Collectible Teddy Bears History Collectible Teddy Bears are those that were manufactured in 1902. The history of the teddy bear began after a cartoon on the Washington Post showed President Theodore Roosevelt sparing the life of a bear during a hunting excursion. The image of the collectible teddy bears we know today was created by […]
Теги: fair, gift, ideal, rest, trade
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Music | November 5th, 2011
Grading Your Coins – 4 Methods Of Checking Them A ‘grade’ is a shorthand that numismatists design in order to reveal the appearance of a coin. For instance, if one collector tells another one that he possesses a Charlotte fifty half eagle, both the collectors should have a fair idea of what the coin looks […]
Теги: fair, science, sport, standard, subject, text