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The history of bingo

The History of Bingo The origins of bingo can be traced back to the unification of Italy in the 1530s. ‘Lo Giuoco del Lotto d’Italia’ was the first state run lottery which was played every Saturday. From Italy, the game spread to France as ‘Le Lotto’ where it was extremely popular amongst the French upper […]

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Four best games to play in online casinos

Four Best Games To Play In Online Casinos There are many different kinds of games that you can play in online casinos. In fact, there are probably just as many as you will find at the brick-and-mortar locations. But it’s important you find the ones that work for you and stick with them if you […]

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Picking up a new hobby backgammon

Picking Up a New Hobby – Backgammon If you find that you have some time on your hands, and you want to find a new hobby, then perhaps Backgammon may be a game that you wish to consider. Backgammon is a popular board game but it’s unlike most other board games. It’s fast moving, require […]

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Essential supplies in coin collecting essentials to maintaining your coins in mint condition

Essential Supplies In Coin Collecting – 7 Essentials To Maintaining Your Coins In Mint Condition In coin collecting, all that matters is the condition of that coin. In the coin collecting world, the coins are the most valuable things, and that is why they are in so much demand, and they are protected from any […]

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The best choices in corrugated packaging

The Best Choices in Corrugated Packaging Corrugated packaging goes by several different names.  To the run of the mill consumer, it’s all cardboard.  However, cardboard is actually a heavy paper-pulp product.  Good examples of this include card stock and poster board.  Corrugated fiberboard commonly refers to cardboard.Corrugated fiberboard comes from the fiber of paper.  Oddly […]

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