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How to store sort and soak stamps

How To Store Sort And Soak Stamps One of the most exciting ways to collect stamp is to process them while they are still attached to envelopes. It’s a little like detective work, and doing so is pretty fun and exciting. However, if you are careless in processing your stamps from the envelopes, you could […]

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Types of coin collectors how to identify your type

3 Types Of Coin Collectors – How To Identify Your Type How would you place yourself as a coin collector? There are a few divisions in this department – And here’s how you could put yourself in one of these categories – 1. The most common or casual collectors You know that you belong to […]

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The boot sale guide for sellers

The Boot Sale Guide For Sellers 1. Do Your Sums Beforehand Planning and preparation is the key to any task and selling at a boot sale is no exception. That’s why you should have all your prices worked out before you set off rather than make them up when you get there. But DON’T price […]

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Wii balance board games

Wii Balance Board Games Are you getting sick and tired of sitting in front of the computer playing video games? If so, perhaps the Nintendo Wii offers a great alternative. When you play games on the computer, you sit in front of the system for hours, using your fingers to type or click. In the […]

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Meet steve autographs memorabilia recommended resources

Meet Steve – Autographs & Memorabilia – Recommended Resources How to Successfully Collect Autographs “In – Person”     There you are standing nervously, a small bead of sweat coming down your forehead, the limo door of your favorite celebrity or sports star just opened and now it’s gut check time to see if you have […]

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