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Sonic the hedgehog a game for all ages

Sonic The Hedgehog – A Game For All Ages

The most important factor that contributed immensely to the worldwide success of Sonic the Hedge is that it is a game for all ages. There are not many games based on Sonic the Hedgehog that could be categorized as the game suitable for people belonging to a certain age group. The newer versions and constant updates of the Sonic the Hedgehog games also attract the game lovers that keep coming back for more. Today, most of the games inspired by Sonic the Hedgehog are available in multiplayer game mode. This makes the games more interesting. The gamers don’t get bored of it easily as they compete with other gamers instead of just playing it by themselves.

It all started in the year 1991 when Sega introduced its first Sonic the Hedgehog game to the world on its Genesis gaming system and became the immediate hit among the people of all ages. Sega created it in order to compete with then popular game by Nintendo based on famous character Mario. Since then Sonic has grown big and today it can easily be considered one of the most popular characters of the gaming world. Millions of copies of Sonic the Hedgehog series have been sold throughout the world and is still going strong, making it the most lovable game among the people of all ages.

The blue hedgehog called Sonic has the ability to run faster than the speed of sound. This character and its distinctive ability has been a huge part of the Sonic the Hedgehog series game play. His main enemy is the notorious Dr. Ivo Robotonik and his creation of wicked subordinates. Tails, a fox with two tails, which has the ability to fly by just spinning his tail, is the best friend of Sonic.

There are number of Sonic the Hedgehog series games and they all belong to different genres. This diversity of Sonic the Hedgehog games also contributed a lot to its popularity across the different age groups. Sonic also featured in number of others games created by Sega as their signature character. Most of the famous old games are converted to flash games and can be played online. An upcoming sequel of popular game featuring Mario and Sonic based on Olympic theme has been announced to be released in 2009.

Many people not only find Sonic the Hedgehog games interesting but also addictive. They love to play them for hours. They simply want to go on till the end or just beat the highest score set by another player. Many people are just intrigued by the story line and want to know about the events that will happen next. Story line is another reason why Sonic the Hedgehog games are liked by people of all ages. It just simply grabs the gamer urging him to continue in order to know more.

You can play some of the stunning and captivating flash games based on Sonic the Hedgehog character that are listed on our site.

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