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Brass model trains extremely unique

Brass Model Trains – Extremely Unique

For the ultimate collector “Brass Model Trains” may be the perfect choice. These toy model trains are made of solid brass and henceforth have an artistic quality to them. Due to the nature of the material the craftsmanship and uniqueness of the pieces are outstanding.  However, there is one slight drawback to the Brass Model Trains, the cost. The old saying “you get what you pay for” is not only fact but also the standard. Brass Model Trains are the “Gold” standard of toy model trains. Prices for these trains range upward to $2000 or more and raises the question of are these trains worth collecting. You are about to find out!

It is hard to say what is more important to a collector, appearance or resale value. Brass Model Trains have both. The quality of material, intricate detailing and overall appearance of these models gives the owner pride in the quality of their collection. Some trains in their natural color almost look as if they were made out of gold and that in turn keeps their resale value extremely high.  Due to the craftsmanship, look and cost of these toy model trains they are unique within a unique market. The model train collection market is a small niche but to be a niche within a niche makes the Brass Model Trains extremely rare and unique. Collectors like that aspect. The downside of collecting these unique trains is the cost. They can run more than twice the price of a standard composition train. If a collector wants a vintage brass model train he will pay even more than that since they are extremely rare.

Before you begin delving into these beautiful specimens consider the most important element of collecting brass model trains. Think about brass and how time and weather affects it. Now consider the value of your collection and the time and effort that it will require to properly clean, polish and protect your investment. If for some reason you are not able to give your collection enough care it will begin to turn black and on the other extreme, too much polishing will damage the collection. Caring for these pieces of art is a full time endeavor and requires a lot of work.

For many toy model trains enthusiast realism is the key to their entire collection. To the best of my knowledge there has never been a working locomotive that was made out of brass. So as interesting, valuable and decorative as these pieces are they are not typical of a working train and therefore not realistic. What you may want to consider is adding a piece or two of brass model trains to your collection as basically pieces of art to be showcased in you office or home while using a more traditional approach to your toy model train collection. Of course this really depend on what your purpose in collecting the trains is all about. Many collectors like to purchase sets and pieces that never leave the box and are displayed and traded like commodities while other are more like me in that they prefer to build lavish model train scenery layouts that consist of cities, switching yards, trains stations, mountain, etc.  Brass Model Trains are very unique and it really depends on the collector’s personality and intentions of whether these models will be a good fit. To each his own, as they say.

By the way, I own one and it is proudly displayed in my office!

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