Buying gold coins as an investment
Buying Gold Coins As An Investment
These days, coin collecting isn’t just about fun or hobbies anymore. Buying coins can sometimes be an investment. To make it worth the time and money, however, you might want to look into buying gold and sometimes silver coins as an investment. As you know, gold is the most expensive metal available in coins. As such, they store value very efficiently, and when gold prices go up, they also sell very quickly as gold (just the metal in general) is in demand nearly every single day of the year.
A major concern you’ll have to pay attention to is the legitimacy of the coin. As with any high priced metal, it’s absolutely required that you make sure the gold coin is actually a gold coin and not a “gold colored zinc” coin. Usually, when purchasing a gold coin, you’ll get a gold coin certificate of authenticity that is individually numbered to guarantee the legitimacy. That’s all safe and clear if you get one of those. If you don’t get one and you know you won’t, best to check it out before purchase.
Buying gold coins as an investment can also get quite risky. No matter how much you dress up the situation, this is still an investment, meaning you can gain or lose a lot or a little. It’s basically a slower progression of the stock market. When you buy those gold coins, you assume the same risk any other investor does, so be sure not to put so much emphasis into these coins that you will ruin your bank if things don’t turn out well.
The last thing you have to decide is exactly which coins you’ll want. Each coin, whether it be a Gold American Buffalo or Gold South African Krugerrand, ends up hanging around the $1000 mark, never more than $100 over or under. The price charts for the last year are pretty much the same across the board, so most people don’t take any notice between the different types of coins. It’s really not about the types or names of the coins, they are just for show while you have them. The prices are there for the gold, which is probably why the price charts are so similar.
In the end, investing in a few gold coins is risky, but what else would you expect? It’s basically investing in a stock that looks different. Head for the largest dealers you can. They are least likely to throw a scam your way. Once you do get your hands on some coins, you just have to wait and ride out the ups and downs of the market until you feel that the price is right and the time is to sell the coins.