Duck decoy information
Duck Decoy Information
The word Decoy is said to be a derivative of a Dutch word – “ende-kooy,” which means ‘the Duck Cage’. A few also suggest the transition of the word ‘Duck-Coy’ which as years passed came to be pronounced as Decoy. Coy- represents the word cage or net into which birds were trapped.
Hence it seems pretty sure that duck decoys were used from the earliest of days. A decoy is a way of tricking ducks into ‘thinking’ that the area is safe and hence landing is a good idea. This ensures a good flock settling at the area or water body and a great duck hunt.
Duck decoys come in all realistic colours, shapes and sizes. Duck decoys always have to focus on the bird types and the respective colours and fine detailing of the external appearance of the bird etc. These decoys can be made at home or bought at stores that provide a variety of decoys. Duck decoys can have functional differences like just a floating decoy to battery powered or radio-controlled movables. And to make it more realistic there are ones that can change head positions or bodily movements like floating, feeding on land and water, standing or sentry positions etc. These give the decoys a more realistic look and give the user a competitive edge over other hunters.
There are ones which are radio enabled allowing the hunter to get up-close audio on the birds and sometimes even sneak in on other hunter conversations. Video enabled ones also allow the privilege of watching these birds up close. The video camera attached to the decoy is placed among the birds. The decoy can move by remote control and the videos can be simultaneously recorded. The video is transmitted to a small portable TV. This transmission can happen within a range of few miles allowing the hunter to get close with the birds without being in the marsh themselves.
A few books and websites also suggest the hunter in making their won decoys. The step-by-step instructions to carve a duck decoys are also given. These websites also suggest the paints to be used and advice on maintenance of worn down duck decoys. Stray hit repairs and re – painting jobs are all explained.
Types of Foam as urethane foams, burlapped foams, cork or polystyrene are used for the body construction. Wood, foam or plastic can be used for heads. Being good at observing ducks, carving and painting gives the hunter a better edge at making ducks. Alternatively, close up picture shots of the ducks in different angles also helps to study the morphology of these birds before carving. These pictures can be obtained from any nature photography book, ornithologist or website. Getting creative at making the decoys is an option left to the maker. But being as realistic as possible is necessary as a decoy should blend well with surrounding environment. Making a Decoy will surely help to better appreciate the beauty of duck and also be a great pass time during those off – season times.