Mineral collecting
Mineral Collecting
Mineral collectors already know the joys of this popular hobby. If you collect other objects of curiosity and desire, you should definitely try mineral collecting. Brilliant color is among the most exciting characteristics that most minerals, in their best form, possess. In addition to color, each species has their own special and unique chemical and physical properties such as different crystalline habits. Outstanding color and crystallinity often are desired properties that give most minerals their desireablity. Rarety and artistic beauty are two important requirements for collectibility.
There are still many places that you can find minerals, but check individual state laws before going out to collect in the field. Many clubs have excellent mineral shows where you can learn the fundamentals and see firsthand how great this hobby really is. Just type in “mineral club shows” on your favorite search engine. The best and biggest show in the US is held in Tucson, AZ during February of each year. The “Tucson Event” as it is now known, is actually a huge conglomerate of shows all related to this hobby. If you decided to travel there, be forwarned that it is a very heavy dosage of this interest. Again, you can go online to research specific shows before going to Tucson. No one can possibly take in this extravaganza in one trip. The entire event lasts at least three weeks.
Along the way, you cannot help but absorb some of the 3 gees, (geology, geometry, and geography) also, chemistry, art and of course, mineralogy. For a good variety of colorful mineral specimens, check www.forrestercc.com.
I do have to caution new collectors about one serious problem with this endeavor. It, like other hobbies, can be very addicting. Once you have started collecting, the only cure is to quickly add another mineral specimen to your collection. But, by then you should know the incomparable joys of mineral collecting. Good Luck!