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Music | June 10th, 2011
British & Nepalese Military Antique Firearm Atlanta Cutlery announces the artifacts from the lost arsenal of British & Nepalese military antique firearm collection in as-is condition. These weapons, spanning from 1816-1945, were discovered in the royal palace of Lagan Silekhana in Nepal, showed the most important developments in firearms history. This line includes Snider Enfield […]
Теги: delivery, east, exchange, military
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Music | May 1st, 2011
Batik Gedog Tuban Batik Gedog Tuban is a traditional painting Batik from Tuban – East Java. Kerek, a region of Tuban is well known as central of Batik Gedog. Mostly the Batik Gedog’s artisan is come from Kerek. This kind of Indonesian Batik is a masterpiece of cultural creation which the existence still accepted by […]
Теги: east, flower, leader, region
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Music | October 24th, 2010
Hot Wheels Immediate Success and Impact on Matchbox The Matchbox brand of cars dominated the die-cast toy car industry for decades. In fact, they had no real competitors during their reign as the only prominent die-cast toy car maker. That is until Mattel introduced their line of Hot Wheels in 1968 and had immediate success. […]
Теги: east, fund, graphics, lab, leader, south
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Music | September 24th, 2010
What Can Affect The Price Of Stamps There are a lot of things that can affect the price of stamps and you’ll learn about all of them in here.FACTOR #1 TYPE OF STAMPSDifferent types of stamps fetch different prices.Definitive Stamps – These stamps are the regular small stamps that we are used to seeing all […]
Теги: bill, consult, document, east, organization, rate
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Music | August 18th, 2010
The Significance of Byzantine Gold Coins Have you ever heard the colloquialism “setting up Constantinople”? If you haven’t, you’re not alone. This phrase referred to creating a successful home base for a business. It isn’t used much anymore because most people are not familiar enough with Constantinople, the legendary capital of the Byzantine Empire of […]
Теги: capital, east, euro, law, military, nature