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A little history of stamp collecting

A Little History Of Stamp Collecting Stamp collecting, one of the most popular hobbies in the world, is an activity that involves the gathering and organizing of postage stamps and other related items such as covers, that is, packages or envelopes with stamps pasted on them. The first stamp ever to be issued was of […]

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Canadian silver coins undiscovered silver gems

Canadian Silver Coins – Undiscovered Silver Gems When you think of Canadian Silver Coins, the first coin that most likely comes to mind is the beautiful Silver Maple Leaf. However, there are numerous other Canadian coins that have been minted thoughout the years and the Maple Leaf series is just a speck on the surface. […]

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Antique japanese valuables hidden in plain sight

Antique Japanese Valuables Hidden in Plain Sight Not so long ago, it was common knowledge that one could find very old, and rare, antiques being sold in some Japanese street markets for a meager sum. At that time, there was not much of a marketplace for such relics of a bygone era, and any given […]

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