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Music | December 23rd, 2010
John Lennon's Last Autograph For many years, the last autograph of John Lennon was believed to be on the Double Fantasy record album featuring Yoko Ono and John Lennon. Lennon signed the album for Mark David Chapman in front of the Dakota apartment building in New York City, where Lennon and Ono had lived for many […]
Теги: city, document, hit, hospital, kill, music
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Music | December 10th, 2010
Creating a friendly environment for arachnids captured in the wild Arachnids are a thing of beauty in their own right, and unfortunately many more of them are becoming extinct and endangered for many reasons, including habitat loss as man develops certain tropical areas. This is a problem in Asia and South America in particular, and […]
Теги: animal, beauty, kill, south
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Music | November 15th, 2010
Sonic the Hedgehog and Mario Sonic the hedgehog may have his origins in Sega’s attempt to rival Nintendo’s Mario (ah the old rivalry) but he has enough originality to completely distinguish him from Mario. Sonic’s popularity is unquestionable and although he was designed to beat Mario at his own game (pardon the pun), he has […]
Теги: classic, cool, kill, press
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Music | October 30th, 2010
Will Barack Obama Memorabilia Be A Great Investment? Millions of Americans enjoyed watching the inauguration of Barack Obama on television. Millions more saved copies of their local newspaper on inauguration day hoping to one day making a killing selling the collectibles for a small fortune. They’ll be waiting a long time. The value of political […]
Теги: cool, exclusive, kill, rules, tele, ticket
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Music | July 10th, 2010
Setting Up a Reef Saltwater Aquariums Saltwater enthusiast have developed a love affair with coral reefs. There is nothing they love better then to design, stock and maintain a saltwater aquarium that is teaming with coral.For years only the most adventurous were brave enough to tackle the challenges proposed by a reef saltwater aquarium. Until […]
Теги: bio, chemical, fish, food, health, kill