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Music | December 30th, 2010
Stuff to Think About Before Adopting a Monkey There are many things to consider when adopting any animals, not just monkeys. If you are thinking of adopting a monkey as a pet, spending some time to understand more about the needs of monkeys will benefit both you and the animals. For sure, there are responsibilities […]
Теги: animal, food, health, nature, pet, training
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Music | October 11th, 2010
Can You Use A Portable Greenhouse? Greenhouses have never been more popular than they are now, as more people are taking up an interest in vegetable and flower gardening. There is also now the portable greenhouse which is a great option for avid gardeners who do a lot of traveling. This is a smaller, portable […]
Теги: advertise, flower, grand, pet, travel, weather
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Music | September 16th, 2010
Stolen Comic Books In Florida, recently, a man’s rare and valuable collection of comics was stolen. He estimated that his collection is valued at more than $10,000. He took a lot of pride in his collection. He had each comic stored in a clear protective sleeve and stored in acid free cardboard boxes to protect […]
Теги: estimate, girl, lesson, pet, report, staff
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Music | July 17th, 2010
Collectable Bears From Steiff We all had a most favorite stuffed animal when we were young, and as adults, this fondness of our stuffed toys has prompted us to become collectors of them, especially those made by Steiff. Stuffed animals that are in great condition are sought after by collectors at auctions and fairs. The […]
Теги: adult, catalog, dog, fond, pet
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Music | July 5th, 2010
With Free Dog Games Available Online, You Can Test Your – Detective Skills!? If you have worked in an office long enough, then you probably know all the best places to go for free games that can test your skills and reflexes in those boring in-between times when the boss wants you “looking busy” while […]
Теги: dog, office, pet, press, sound, test