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Autographs memorabilia recommended resources

Autographs, Memorabilia – Recommended Resources An autograph (from the Greek: ?????, aut?s, “self” and ?????, gr?ph?, “write”) is a document transcribed entirely in the handwriting of its author, as opposed to a typeset document or one written by an amanuensis or a copyist; the meaning overlaps with that of the word holograph. Autograph also refers […]

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The various ways of collecting celebrity signatures

The various ways of collecting celebrity signatures The various ways of collecting celebrity signatures.   Autographs and signatures of our favourite celebrities have always been in demand. It might seem like a strange thing to want but the appeal lies in having just a little piece of the star you really admire, it might be […]

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Maytag autographs and memorabilia

Maytag Autographs And Memorabilia Maytag autographs and memorabilia are widely collected.  The founder of the Maytag company, Frederick Louis Maytag, was the son of German immigrants.  Maytag began his first significant foray in business in 1893 when he co-founded a company for making farm implements.  Maytag expanded his manufacturing operations to include washing machines.  Early […]

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Do you collect rambo movie knives

Do You Collect Rambo Movie Knives? Out of the many movie memorabilia categories out there that fans are looking out for, the Rambo knives probably have one of the richest stories behind them. This is because the knives that Sylvester Stallone uses in the movies as Rambo do not only vary per series but they […]

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Sonic the hedgehog vs mario

Sonic the Hedgehog vs Mario In the early 90’s, as they are today, Sega and Nintendo stood neck to neck in the endless race to produce new and inventive gaming for their ever-growing fan base. Sega had one problem though. It needed a mascot that would sufficiently rival the beloved little Italian brother that was […]

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