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How to have a successful garage sale

How to Have a Successful Garage Sale  Having a successful garage sale is an exciting experience and can net you additional monies for items you no longer want.  Hard work and a great deal of planning will give you the desired results.   Remember, your trash can be another persons’ treasure. In the town where I […]

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How to survive doll collecting

How to Survive Doll Collecting Buy what you love.As long as you love each doll that you buy you will love doll collecting. Doll collecting is a passionate pastime and choosing what type of doll to buy is a personal choice that should come from the heart. If you cannot walk past a baby doll […]

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Marvel shop coupon codes to the rescue

Marvel Shop Coupon Codes to the Rescue During my childhood days, I’ve always loved reading Marvel comics. I’ve collected numerous comic books and I still keep them in a large box. Those were the times when I was so captivated about the stories of different Marvel characters such as Spider-man, The Hulk, Iron Man, and […]

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