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Buying paintings romanticism

Buying Paintings: Romanticism Though sometimes referred to as the “anti-classical” movement in art, Romanticism is a style that focuses on the artist’s individualistic and emotionally wrought point of view, and is found to oppose the art movement known as Neoclassicism.  Even though there have been many artists to combine elements of both.  Some of the […]

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History of english toby jugs

History of English Toby Jugs – 1761 My family tree has been traced back to the early Kings of England from the 7th. Century AD. This gives me an interest in English History which is great fun to research. As I am a direct descendent of Sir Christopher Wren and have many ancestors from London […]

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Buying paintings minimalism

Buying Paintings: Minimalism Though I could enjoy speaking on the topic of art for sometime, I found myself without a way to truly understand the differing values in the ways of thought that permeate this grouping of human experience, and found myself looking to sources over the Internet to further my knowledge to utilize the […]

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Autographs from jd salinger

Autographs From J.d. Salinger Autographs from J.D. Salinger are among the most coveted by collectors.  The reclusive author of The Catcher in the Rye has made an indelible mark on American literature and has generated generations of fans.  However, the famous writer shuns publicity and treasures his privacy.  Since the second printing of The Catcher in […]

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Four ways the miyamoto musashi samurai swords impacted the history of japan and the samurai

Four Ways The Miyamoto Musashi Samurai Swords Impacted The History Of Japan And The Samurai Today, many people know of Japanese Samurai Swords and their legendary beauty, efficiency, and craftsmanship. However, they aren’t exactly aware of one of the greatest influences on Japan and Samurai culture. Miyamoto Musashi is one of the most famous Japanese […]

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