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Lego and its history

Lego and its history Lego toy is never going to be out of the date, it has been a part of childhood for more than three generations. Almost everyone under 50 years old has played with these plastic bricks of imagination. The earliest form of Lego toy is designed in 1949, Lego company introduced the […]

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Sonic the hedgehog a video game masterpiece

Sonic The Hedgehog- A Video Game Masterpiece When it comes to pleasing the masses, very few games can do it successfully for any length of time. So when along comes a game that continues to entertain everybody for over a decade and a half, it is to be considered as nothing short of a masterpiece. […]

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Why purchase a vintage clock

Why Purchase A Vintage Clock? Antique collectible clocks are an investment in history. They allow you to benefit from the splendor of old world skill and the beauty associated with their work.   A modern digital clock on your night stand plays the radio to wake you up.  However, this cannot compare to the gentle chiming […]

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Lego the worlds favorite toy for years

Lego – the Worlds Favorite Toy for 70 Years I don’t know about you buy I had Lego when I was a kid. And everyone else I know seems to have owned a set as well. And what’s more my kids have it. Yes, for over 70 years now, Lego has been one of the […]

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Competitions offered to radio control car enthusiasts

Competitions Offered To Radio Control Car Enthusiasts When you build a remote controlled car, you usually pour hundreds of hours, and even more dollars into making it a creation that you can be proud of. Well, after you have put so much effort into it, how much fun is it to just keep it all […]

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