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August, 2010
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Music | August 16th, 2010
How The Teddy Bear Got His Name In 1902, the famous Steiff Company of Germany invented the great teddy bear that the world has come to love and to cherish. However, do we know how the Teddy got his name ? We all know that the teddy bear was invented by Richard Steiff and that […]
Теги: elections, host, journal, report, window
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Music | August 16th, 2010
Discover How to Play Bingo at Online Bingo The Bingo game used to be associated with dear old womens with blue tinted hair who would jump up from their chairs shouting out “Bingo!” But those days are long gone. Bingo today is a game that attracts players of all ages who are almost addicted to […]
Теги: chat, club, hair, land, plane, planet
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Music | August 15th, 2010
All About Autopen Shortcuts in Autograph Collecting Many celebrities use different methods for autographing in place of the real signature. Most autograph collecting is done solely for the real autograph of these people that are famous and well thought of. As we all know, celebrities of all kind are busy people, so a lot of […]
Теги: exchange, pr, staff, tour
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Music | August 12th, 2010
The Advancement Of Free Online Games A lot of people do not have the money to purchase computer games that they can play on their computer. This is when Online Games come into play. There are sites that you can go to and be able to play a variety of games. Some of the most […]
Теги: board, monitor, pool, science, test
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Music | August 12th, 2010
Three Simple Reasons for Owning Wooden Toys Sometimes, people shun wooden toys because of their prices. They forget that bigger wooden toys that require more time and skill to produce are usually much more expensive than plastic toys. Despite that, More and more people are collecting wooden toys again. What makes a good reason for […]
Теги: boy, girl, test, weather