Levels of coin collectors tips to identify your level
3 Levels Of Coin Collectors – Tips To Identify Your Level
If you happen to be a coin collector, which category are you in? Let’s find this answer…
There are numerous ways in which coins can be collected and the specialties of collectors. Let’s see the ways in which the various types of coin collectors are differentiated.
1. The Commonest One: The Casual Coin Collector
You are a coin collector if you do the following things:
a.You collect coins and age does not matter to you.
b.You go on collecting the coins randomly and you have fun doing so.
c.You do not spend much money for either the purchase of the coins or to preserve it.
d.You will like to collect the coins that have gone obsolete, or they have been modified and are frequently used by the magicians. The other types of coin in your collection would include those that are out of circulation or those that are commemorative coins.
e. some coins may be given to you as gift and therefore it becomes a more interesting thing for you.
2. The Next Level: The Curious Collector
You can call yourself a curious collector if you have the following characteristics:
a.You are more inclined to collect the coins rather then receive them as gift from someone.
b.You are also not averse to buy the coins especially if that are not so expensive.
c.A casual collector is interested in only browsing the coin shops,but the curious collector is more interested than just browsing.
d. You also spend time on net at sites like eBay or the other coin sites and search for the coins to be purchased.
e.You don’t have a clear cut objectives for the coin collection. It just happens to be your hobby.
f. You have a tendency to gather knowledge about the coins and you soon graduate to the next level of serious coin collector as you might get inspired by the group of serious coin collectors.
3. The Extreme Collector: The Most Advanced Collectors
Following are the features of the advanced collectors and they exhibit the following properties:
a. You are fanatical about the hobby of coin collection.
b. You are either a generalist or the completist. A generalist wants to obtain a variety of coins no matter what type is of. On the other hand a completist is one who collects only a particular type of coins and builds the collection of that type only.
c. If you are completist and you are lacking resources then you will chose to have smaller number of coins of a particular type to complete your set,
d. The different types can be collection of coins belonging to a particular period or a particular nation. It can also be the set of coins having errors. or collection of tokens.
It doesn’t matter which category you belong to, its your personal choice. But the most important thing is the enjoyment and excitement it gives to you.
So, have you found your category yet?