What a piggy bank is all about
What a Piggy Bank is All About
Many people need to keep money around the house in case of emergencies. People also like to keep some loose change which you want to keep away for a rainy day or for some reason best known to you alone. When I say piggy bank, it does not have to be the normal piggy that we all know. A piggy bank is basically anywhere you store your money in the house it might be in a cookie jar, a tin or wherever you decide to hide your pennies, or any form of extra change. However it is up to you how much and what form of cash you want to store in your home bank.
Piggy banks are usually a source for you to keep your spare change which is better for you to keep in your cookie jar than for it to get to the back of your couch. Saving money is always a good idea you never know when you might need that cash you have stored. You can also use the piggy to store your collection of old coins as well because no one should know where you keep your cash or collector coins.
If you are one to save your spare or loose change then the best place is to keep it in a piggy jar so as it makes it easier for you to find and more so if you are a collector of coins. Make sure your piggy container is not accessible to people if you intend to save up your money and this applies more especially when it comes to a coin collector because where kids are involved you never know where they will keep the coins.