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Music | February 2nd, 2012
Gold Coin Collector Or Gold Coin Dealer? Look No Further Than Here! Is Coin Accumulating exactly the same as Numismatics? Most coin collectors confuse themselves in between the terms ‘coin collecting’ and ‘numismatics’. However , two are quite various, though they’re related by concept. Are all Coin Enthusiasts one and also the same? Coin collectors […]
Теги: bank, cash, exchange, fat, joy, plus
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Music | January 31st, 2012
Chinese Coins – ancient chinese coins with center hole Traditionally, Chinese cash coins were cast in copper, brass or iron. In the mid 1800s, the coins were made from three parts copper and two parts lead. Cast silver coins were periodically produced but are considerably rarer. Cast gold coins are also known to exist but […]
Теги: cash, exchange, media, tool
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Music | January 27th, 2012
Coin Collecting Tips For Begginers Coin is a hobby of kings. Collection of money is different from hoarding cash. Coin collecting as an art form dates back 14 centuries. Today, people around the world collect coins. Some people perceive their value, some as simple pleasure of getting your hands in different currencies. If you take […]
Теги: cash, children, document, error, travel
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Music | January 25th, 2012
Coin Agents A coin agent’s work is basically to acquire coins you need and are having a hard time getting. The agent will have to deal with the coin sellers and if they are dealers in coins it would be best if you knew your agent well just so you don’t get swindled by both […]
Теги: cash, check, import, report
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Music | January 4th, 2012
What a Piggy Bank is All About Many people need to keep money around the house in case of emergencies. People also like to keep some loose change which you want to keep away for a rainy day or for some reason best known to you alone. When I say piggy bank, it does not […]
Теги: bank, cash, cook, extra, normal