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Civil war swords

Civil War Swords

The great majority of swords in use by both armies was based upon or were, standard patterns issued by the old US army and these were in turn copies of British and French models from before the war.  
The model 1840 and 1860 cavalry sabers were predominant among Union horse brigades and a great many Confederates carried them as well (after picking them up from the battlefield).  Dozens of patterns were manufactured by Confederate makers, but the basic designs between the two sides differed very little.  Officers on both sides for instance carried the model 1840 or the lighter model 1841 light artillery saber.  It should be noted that many commanders, especially from the Confederacy, brought their own blades from home.

The 1840 non commissioned sword was carried by American soldiers for over 70 years; a period which included the Mexican War, Civil War and Spanish American War. The single edged blade has a single broad fuller running from the ricasso to near the point. The entire hilt is cast brass and the grip is ribbed. Pommel is global with a capstan. Grip is flanked by kidney-shaped hand guards.

The other one 1860 Light Cavalry Union saber is British military spec steel that will flex over 20° and return to true. Leather handle is wire wrapped. Curving blade is superbly designed for penetration (thrust) and as a slashing weapon. Originally copied from an earlier French issue saber and manufactured in the North and in Europe for the lads in blue. Our excellent reproduction is hand made and ready for use. A stout steel scabbard completes this legendary sword. It evokes the unflinching bravery of Antietam, Manassas, Gettysburg. The original replica of these civil war swords are manufactured by Atlanta Cutlery Corporation. An authentic replicas of the highest caliber.

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