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How to consign autographs for auction

How To Consign Autographs For Auction

Knowing how to consign autographs for auction is important for sellers who desire the best deal for their autographs.  Naturally, you want the best terms and the best prices for your autographed material.  Here are some valuable suggestions that can help you be a successful consigner. 

Auction Company
Work with auctioneers that have reputations for honesty and fairness.  Several autograph collecting websites can provide details about various autograph auctioneers including those with a history of litigation.  There is no point in negotiating suitable terms if the auction company subverts or reneges on the deal. 

Net Reserve
Consider protecting yourself with a “net reserve to consigner”.  The net reserve is the lowest amount that you are willing to receive on the sale of your autographed memorabilia.  The net reserve is usually not disclosed to bidders.  Some companies charge consigners a fee for assigning a net reserve. 

Unless you ask, you probably won’t receive the benefit of free shipping.  Many auction companies will pay your shipping costs, especially if you have highly valuable autographs.  Auction company representatives eager for lucrative consignments may personally pick up your consignments for auction. 

Cash Advance
Auction companies may entice you with cash advances for your consignments.  However, be wary of the terms of the cash advance.  Some auction companies charge high monthly interest for cash advances and stipulate that you may not get paid for up to three months following the end of an auction. 

Consigned items that do not sell at auction can be a sticky issue.  Specify in advance if the item is to be held and relisted for auction at a future date, or promptly returned to you. Some auction companies will charge almost 20% of your net reserve if the item does not sell at auction.  Also, be clear as to who pays for return shipping and insurance for items that do not sell at auction. 

Auctioneers who represent themselves are knowledgeable autograph dealers should be responsible for items they accept for consignment and sell at auction.  Be wary of auctioneers who use third-party authenticators to shield to themselves from taking responsibility for items they sell at auction.  Some auctioneers demand consigners to guarantee authenticity of their consignments and indemnify them from any dispute that contests authenticity. 

Knowing how to consign autographs for auction can help you be savvy and successful.  Working with a reputable auctioneer on clear terms that meet your needs, will make your consigning experience enjoyable and worthwhile.

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