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Aquiring antique books whats the value

Aquiring Antique Books Whats The Value Somebody not familiar with the industry may ask why anyone would be interested in antique books. Of course , lots of times the information contained in them is so outmoded that it’s downright inaccurate! Science books are almost laughable with their basic awareness of the universe, medical books are […]

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Edward thorp the father of blackjack card counting

Edward Thorp – the father of blackjack card counting Edward O. Thorp, born in 1932, is extremely famous in the world of blackjack, not necessarily as the best player to have ever lived but as the father of blackjack card counting. He created it and has therefore made quite an impact on the game of […]

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Sonic and his enemies

Sonic and His Enemies Through his illustrious career, Sonic the Hedgehog has met with many an adversary. Ranging from the usual baddies throughout the levels to the boss enemies. Most of them are quite forgettable when compared to the main few enemies that Sonic has had to deal with. There are actually only three or […]

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Dr robotnik aka egghead and why people love him

Dr. Robotnik AKA Egghead And Why People Love Him Sonic the hedgehog being the central character of his own video game is of course why so many people love him. But there are many people out there who also love the villain character of Dr. Robotnik, also known as Egghead. The nickname egghead has a […]

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We are a sick lot

We Are a Sick Lot Our modern lifestyles are sedentary compared to those of our ancestors whose lives were full of hard physical activity just to meet the daily demands of living. These physical demands where replaced by automation and our lifestyles now are mostly devoid of anything that resembles physical labor or ‘work’. It […]

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