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Grand national races watch the drama unfold

Grand National Races – Watch the Drama Unfold What are Grand National races, and why do thousands and thousands of fans find such races enjoyable? Well, Grand National is a horse racing event in the UK. It has been ongoing for many years, and is now one of the most popular mainstream events in the […]

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Silvertown winchester indiana coins year old custom minting tradition endures

Silvertown Winchester Indiana Coins – 60 Year Old Custom Minting Tradition Endures Numismatics is the branch of study that deals with coins.  One of the leading dealers in the field of numismatics is Silvertown in Indiana. It is as old as 60 years. They are serving and impressing people with their quality work for a […]

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What is a home run derby

What is a Home Run Derby The Home Run Derby is a very interesting baseball event. It is a contest between major league baseball players, to see who can hit the most home runs. The event is mainly sponsored by State Farm Insurance, and continues to attract the eyeballs of many baseball fans to this […]

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Buying jewish paintings

Buying Jewish Paintings I have a family that has commissioned me to find all of the Jewish paintings I can find.  He has given me no budget constraints.  I’m not sure why he doesn’t have guidelines set up for me to follow; he just wants to amass a collection quickly.I found an oil on canvas […]

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Postal stamps from the beginning

Postal Stamps From the Beginning When you send a piece of mail, you have to attach postal stamps to show that you have paid the appropriate amount of postage for the size and weight of the envelope or package. The first such stamps to be used in the world were in the United Kingdom and […]

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