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The rise and rise of the artists signature artists signatures make frasers rarities index

The Rise and Rise of the Artists Signature – Artists Signatures Make Fraser’s Rarities Index Fraser’s Rarities Index, listing the 100 most sought after autograph’s, counts Picasso, Dali, Warhol and Chagall amongst their number.  Artists such as Andy Warhol have seen as much as a 1014% increase over the decade with the Rarities Index as […]

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Accessories for coin collection pepping up your hobby with a new series

Accessories For Coin Collection – Pepping Up Your Hobby With A New Series One of the most important things to consider when you are getting addicted to coin collecting is that you must know a good way to take care of it. They coins collected might be limited edition ones, or maybe antiques, or even […]

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Despite recession collectors of vintage movie posters celebrity autographs do battle

Despite Recession Collectors of Vintage Movie Posters & Celebrity Autographs do Battle Despite the ongoing recession collectors are NOT easing up on acquiring the rare memorabilia treasures of American culture, history and sports. Celebrity autographs, rare original vintage movie posters and autographed sports memorabilia continue to sell for amazing prices at recent auctions. At auction […]

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Americas best autograph auctions

America's Best Autograph Auctions America’s best autograph auctions provide great opportunities for buying and selling autographs.  Autograph collectors may acquire preciously rare items that would otherwise be nearly impossible to obtain.  Autograph sellers are fortunate to have a wide variety of top-notch auctioneers to choose from. Autograph auctions provide great opportinities to acquire special items […]

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Vintage album collection

Vintage Album Collection A lot of people these days are slowly getting into different hobbies. And one of the most common of all hobbies involve collections. People collect a lot of different things these days, and gauge the value of their collected items depending on the number of years they have survived as well as […]

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