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Coin shows

Coin Shows Didn’t much care for coin collecting until the day I found my grandpa’s set lying in the artic when I was twelve. I picked it up right away and feel in love with the shiny silver coins. Now at my age, I am good at telling the real deal from knock offs and […]

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The golden eagle hybrid hunting knife

The Golden Eagle Hybrid Hunting Knife Almost every day, it seems, a new knife is introduced to the market. While many knives are produced for a certain use or method, many are simply designed for those who want to add another knife to their collections. Thus many knives are very interesting in their design or […]

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Buying middle age weapons

Buying Middle Age Weapons Buying middle age weapons is not for everyone. Only those who are passionate about how knights in the middle age do battle will be interested in such weapons. Mostly, they want to bring the experience of the knights into our modern day world. By re-enacting the same visual scenarios with high […]

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