Lego and its history

Lego and its history

Lego toy is never going to be out of the date, it has been a part of childhood for more than three generations. Almost everyone under 50 years old has played with these plastic bricks of imagination. The earliest form of Lego toy is designed in 1949, Lego company introduced the automatic binding bricks which could be assembled together as they are having four to eight studs. The first 200 pieces of different Lego toys was born then in Denmark.
Creativity is the key to Lego. Children and adults alike can use their imaginations to design whatever they can picture. The easy to manipulate and interlock blocks allow for easy construction of projects. The sets can all be interchanged, so it is possible to use parts and pieces with one set in combination with another. They can assemble those plastic toy bricks that can be easily changed into buildings, space ships, vehicles, boats, trains and other toys. The key is that the child gets to assemble the toy from the basic building blocks. Each toy can be assembled, disassembled and reassembled in enough new shapes and forms to tickle the imagination and stretch the young people’s creativity. 
As time goes by, there are remarkable development in Lego Company, and Lego toys are also improved in their designation, materials, technical, customize and imaginations. The Lego fans also increase from young kids to all age of people. Lego is much more that the simple blocks invented in 1949. It spreads from toys to theme parks, movies, and CDs. Lego building blocks and other products are distributed around the world. The reputation of Lego products is as same as Disney land. That’s really a great success of these tiny plastic bricks which symbolize the great creativity. The video game was first released in 2005 and is based the actual Star Wars Trilogy that began in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. 
Many parents feel that children spend too much time with high tech toys, and are forgetting about the traditional fan toys. Lego is able to help your children to develop creativity, imagination as well as motor skills in building and constructing their mind pictures and projects. Children of all ages love Lego, and with the new theme packages even adults will enjoy playing. The good news for the parents is that you can have good chance to build love relationship with your children if you play Lego with them.

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Sonic the hedgehog a video game masterpiece

Sonic The Hedgehog- A Video Game Masterpiece

When it comes to pleasing the masses, very few games can do it successfully for any length of time. So when along comes a game that continues to entertain everybody for over a decade and a half, it is to be considered as nothing short of a masterpiece. The fun in Sonic The Hedgehog and the sequels is something that every game studio to understand what the winning formula for a long running game series should be. It combines the right graphics, the right animations, the right sounds and seemingly, the right does of everything that makes a game popular beyond all imagination.

So when we talk about a game like Sonic the hedgehog, we know that we are looking at a timeless classic that really has not left any space for criticism. It is strong in every point that anyone can think of. Given the limitations of the 16bit gaming consoles of those days, the game utilized the every last bit of the Genesis console’s potential and came out as something that dominated the market through and through. Given the time; the colors, the sprites and the game design were all absolutely fresh and completely stunning. Stunningly good that is, it really broke all the monotony in the platformer gaming genre and introduced quite a few new concepts in to the field. Thus it not only upped the ante but it also expanded the reaches of game design for others to follow suite.

Now, the graphics may be nothing compared to the superb 3D characters and the advanced physics programming. But when it comes to replay value, all that needs mention is the fact that millions of fans and new gamers still play the game through its online and new console versions. Genesis, the original platform by Sega is no longer, but Sega has released the game to work on other consoles. Even though it was re-released, the game was kept as intact as possible within everything working just as it should. In fact, even a bug was kept in place because it was so popular!

This is where every video game truly stands at trial – how often to gamers come back to replay it. Modern games hardly have the addictive nature of older arcade and console games. But there are very few older games that have survived for so long in the open market. The truth is that nothing after Sonic The Hedgehog came close to the originality that the game had. With so many new features and original design, the game had it all and it succeed beyond all expectations actually.

So when it comes to looking at the masterpieces of the gaming world, Sonic The Hedgehog is a strong contender for the top crown. The ultimate judgment may be a subjective opinion of the jury but the millions of Sonic fans worldwide would no doubt not have to think twice when they vote for Sonic to be crowned the king.

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Why purchase a vintage clock

Why Purchase A Vintage Clock?

Antique collectible clocks are an investment in history. They allow you to benefit from the splendor of old world skill and the beauty associated with their work.   A modern digital clock on your night stand plays the radio to wake you up.  However, this cannot compare to the gentle chiming sound or bell that is heard from your living room, alerting you to the time in a soothing musical way.  That is what an antique clock is all about.  They are different in the world of antiques, in that they are an actual functioning bit of art.  At least they should be, since they are a timepiece as well as a showpiece.

Antique clocks are furniture. They adorn your home in a special fashion.  The longcase clock was actually derived from a wall hanging pendulum clock, with the case added to close in the pendulum. Since then, the longcase clock has become a form of art in itself and is highly coveted by antique collectors and clock enthusiasts. As is the case with any type of furniture, there are many things that determine its worth and appeal; especially its life, workmanship and appearance. Top quality longcase clocks from the 1700’s have been known to have values of around $500,000.00.

In the past, the grandfather clock or longcase clock as it is sometimes called was everywhere.  In those days, the houses had very high ceilings, so there was no problem setting it up in the living room or hallway.  However, today, the ceilings are much lower. Therefore, if you are interested in buying a longcase clock, be sure to check the height of your ceiling and the measurements of your front door.  You want to be able to bring it in without damage.

However, if you want a smaller collector piece, a vintage mantel clock will undoubtedly enrich your household both in elegance and value. Picture a small mantel clock that can fit on the mantel piece or shelf, adding allure to your home and increasing in worth through the years.  It is the perfect family heirloom.

Mantel clocks are usually put on a shelf or on top of a fireplace, and therefore, are pretty small and lightweight.  The antique mantel clock is different from the vintage wall clock, whose movements are upward set on the back board.  Mantel clock movements lay on a seat board.     Some old-fashioned mantel clocks, in particular, the French styles, are ornately adorned pieces. They are wound by a key and also have a swinging pendulum. The vintage French mantel clock is very elaborate, with many of them featuring little angelic figures.

In conclusion, there are many different types of vintage clocks to choose from.  Any style would be a lovely addition to your home decor.  However, if an actual vintage clock is out of your price range, you can always purchase a nice antique clock replica.

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Lego the worlds favorite toy for years

Lego – the Worlds Favorite Toy for 70 Years

I don’t know about you buy I had Lego when I was a kid. And everyone else I know seems to have owned a set as well. And what’s more my kids have it. Yes, for over 70 years now, Lego has been one of the biggest selling toys in the world. I don’t know whether it’s the vibrant colors, or just the sheer versatility of the stuff, after all there’s not many toys that can be made into hundreds of other toys and never goes out of fashion. It’s fun, its educational and its even relatively cheap – you can buy a small set for only a few dollars – although the sky is the limit for some sets.
Lego was first produced in 1934 in Billund, Denmark by a former carpenter called Ole Kirk Kristiansen. He created his first prototypes and named them “leg godt” – which is Danish for “Play good”, or as we would say “play well”. This soon became Lego – and a legend was created. It was just after the Second World War in 1949 that the familiar plastic brick with four or eight studs, which allowed them to be joined together, first appeared. Initially, it was only made for sale in Denmark, but Kristiansen had bigger plans for his creation. Lego soon spread throughout the world and nowadays, its hard to find a country where you can’t buy it.
Lego has always reflected contemporary events with special editions frequently being released. The technology has also moved on considerably and the Techniks range is more like an engineering project than a simple plastic block. You can construct anything from cars to planes to Ferris wheels, al with lights and moving parts run by electric motors. A far cry from the simple building blocks indeed.
Of course, where Lego has recently exploded in popularity is via a series of very clever big-budget movie tie ins. You can now buy Indiana Jones Lego sets, Star Wars Lego and even Batman has made an appearance. Expect to see many more of these licensing deals in the future.
Finally, of course, Lego has been brought right up to date with the recent addition of video games for a wide range of consoles. You can get them for PC’s, Xbox, Playstations, PSP and Nintendo machines. These new additions ensure that Lego will be one of the best known toy brands for generations to come.

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Competitions offered to radio control car enthusiasts

Competitions Offered To Radio Control Car Enthusiasts

When you build a remote controlled car, you usually pour hundreds of hours, and even more dollars into making it a creation that you can be proud of. Well, after you have put so much effort into it, how much fun is it to just keep it all to yourself and never show off what you have worked so hard to complete? Some would say that it is a complete waste of effort. If you are building a radio controlled car, you should plan on entering it in many different competitions. There are quite a few RC car competitions of many different types. Here I will go over some of the main kinds of competitions that you can get involved in. Each one requires a type of car that is specifically tailored to it. Sometimes you can swap a few parts out and have a car that is ready for a different competition, but more often than not it is a totally different type of car.

The first type of competition is the kind that most people would imagine; a simple race track. It’s set up just like a NASCAR event. A large paved road is used as the track, and all of the cars are lined up in rows at the beginning. The number of laps can vary greatly, from sprint races to longer marathon races requiring dozens of laps. At these events, speed is the number one factor. Nobody will care if your car looks ridiculous if it is capable of speeds far higher than those of the competition. In these competitions, you will find the highest level of technical detail put into cars, with high-tech engines prevailing. Light, gas-powered cars with firm wheels are the best type of car for these competitions.

The second type of competition is definitely a fun one, and perhaps the most popular. It is the same as the first in the fact that it is a race. However, this race occurs on an off-road track. An off-road track will usually include lots of rough terrain, with steep hills and perhaps even ramps or obstacles. These tracks will really give the cars a beating. Most entrants will have remote control cars that look more like trucks, with huge shock absorbers. Many creative methods are used to keep cars in the running. Some even have wheels on both sides, in case the car flips over when it hits a bump. Many advanced driving techniques are required to stay in the running, and this is what makes off-road racing one of the most exciting sports.

Finally, there are exhibition competitions that are designed to consist of short segments. These segments show off one particular skill of your car – its agility, its speed, or its handling. You will be asked to accelerate down a straight road, just to see the maximum speed that your car can reach. You can also do slalom events, winding in and out of cones. The exact setup varies greatly from competition to competition, but you can always expect something along these lines.

Any competition involving remote control cars is most likely to be a fun time, even if you don’t have what it takes to win. It’s good just to go and have the company of your fellow radio control enthusiasts.

RC Hobbies blog

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